Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский

put paid to

  • 1 put paid to

    (to prevent a person from doing (something he planned or wanted to do): The rain put paid to our visit to the zoo.) acabar com

    English-Portuguese dictionary > put paid to

  • 2 put paid to

    (to prevent a person from doing (something he planned or wanted to do): The rain put paid to our visit to the zoo.) acabar com

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > put paid to

  • 3 to put paid to

    to put paid to
    destruir, arruinar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to put paid to

  • 4 paid

    * * *
    [peid] vt+vi ps and pp of to pay. adj 1 pago, liquidado, saldado. 2 contratado. paid in totalmente pago. paid in surplus Com excedente pago. paid up adj liquidado, saldado. paid up capital Com capital integralizado. paid up member sócio remido (isento de contribuição). paid up share Com ação integralizada. to put paid to destruir, arruinar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > paid

  • 5 pay

    [pei] 1. past tense, past participle - paid; verb
    1) (to give (money) to (someone) in exchange for goods, services etc: He paid $5 for the book.) pagar
    2) (to return (money that is owed): It's time you paid your debts.) pagar
    3) (to suffer punishment (for): You'll pay for that remark!) pagar
    4) (to be useful or profitable (to): Crime doesn't pay.) compensar
    5) (to give (attention, homage, respect etc): Pay attention!; to pay one's respects.) dar
    2. noun
    (money given or received for work etc; wages: How much pay do you get?) ordenado
    - payee
    - payment
    - pay-packet
    - pay-roll
    - pay back
    - pay off
    - pay up
    - put paid to
    * * *
    [pei] n 1 pagamento, paga, remuneração. 2 salário, ordenado, soldo. 3 recompensa, retribuição. 4 pagador (no sentido da pessoa que cumpre bem ou mal a obrigação de pagar). he is a good pay / ele é bom pagador. • vt+vi (ps and pp paid) 1 pagar: a) remunerar. I was paid the sum / a importância me foi paga. b) satisfazer um débito. it has been paid for / já está pago. c) dar em troca de compras efetuadas. I’ll pay for the dinner / pagarei o jantar. d) recompensar, gratificar. e) expiar. f) retribuir. g) retaliar. he shall pay for this / ele pagará por isso. we paid him in his own coin / pagamo-lo com a mesma moeda. h) compensar. it doesn’t pay / não vale a pena, não compensa. 2 dar lucros. it did not pay a penny / não rendeu nada. 3 ser rendoso ou proveitoso. 4 dar, prestar (atenção, cumprimentos, respeito). 5 coll punir. in the pay of ao serviço de. to pay a call coll ir ao banheiro. to pay attention prestar atenção. to pay a visit retribuir uma visita. to pay away a) desembolsar, gastar. b) Naut arriar a âncora ou as amarras. to pay back a) restituir, devolver. b) vingar-se, pagar na mesma moeda. to pay court cortejar. to pay dearly fig pagar caro. he had to pay dearly for it / custou-lhe muito caro. to pay down pagar de entrada. to pay in depositar. to pay off a) pagar, remunerar. b) pagar integralmente, saldar, liquidar (dívidas). c) subornar (para manter em silêncio). d) revidar, vingar-se. e) ter sucesso. f) acertar as contas com (pagar e despedir). g) deixar desenrolar (cabo, corda, etc.). h) Naut virar a sotavento. i) Naut cair a sotavento. to pay one’s dues conseguir alguma coisa com muito esforço ou sofrimento. to pay one’s way pagar as próprias despesas, sem contrair dívidas. to pay out a) despender, pagar. b) fazer ajuste de contas. c) coll punir, castigar, vingar-se. to pay up a) saldar, liquidar. b) pagar as custas, expiar. well-paid bem pago, bem remunerado.
    [pei] vt (ps and pp payed) Naut embrear.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > pay

  • 6 pay

    [pei] 1. past tense, past participle - paid; verb
    1) (to give (money) to (someone) in exchange for goods, services etc: He paid $5 for the book.) pagar
    2) (to return (money that is owed): It's time you paid your debts.) pagar
    3) (to suffer punishment (for): You'll pay for that remark!) pagar
    4) (to be useful or profitable (to): Crime doesn't pay.) recompensar
    5) (to give (attention, homage, respect etc): Pay attention!; to pay one's respects.) dar, conceder
    2. noun
    (money given or received for work etc; wages: How much pay do you get?) remuneração
    - payee - payment - pay-packet - pay-roll - pay back - pay off - pay up - put paid to

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > pay

  • 7 deposit

    [di'pozit] 1. verb
    1) (to put or set down: She deposited her shopping-basket in the kitchen.) pousar
    2) (to put in for safe keeping: He deposited the money in the bank.) depositar
    2. noun
    1) (an act of putting money in a bank etc: She made several large deposits at the bank during that month.) depósito
    2) (an act of paying money as a guarantee that money which is or will be owed will be paid: We have put down a deposit on a house in the country.) depósito
    3) (the money put into a bank or paid as a guarantee in this way: We decided we could not afford to go on holiday and managed to get back the deposit which we had paid.) depósito
    4) (a quantity of solid matter that has settled at the bottom of a liquid, or is left behind by a liquid: The flood-water left a yellow deposit over everything.) depósito
    5) (a layer (of coal, iron etc) occurring naturally in rock: rich deposits of iron ore.) depósito
    * * *
    [dip'ɔzit] n 1 depósito, coisa depositada, dinheiro depositado num banco. 2 penhor, adiantamento de dinheiro, garantia de pagamento, dinheiro de sinal, fiança. 3 sedimento, substâncias que se depositam no fundo de um líquido, incrustação na caldeira. 4 Geol depósito, reunião estratificada de matérias transportadas ou solidificadas, jazida. • vt+vi 1 depositar, pôr em depósito, guardar em lugar seguro, dar a guardar temporariamente. 2 precipitar, sedimentar, assentar, formar depósito. on deposit confiado aos cuidados de.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > deposit

  • 8 deposit

    [di'pozit] 1. verb
    1) (to put or set down: She deposited her shopping-basket in the kitchen.) colocar
    2) (to put in for safe keeping: He deposited the money in the bank.) depositar
    2. noun
    1) (an act of putting money in a bank etc: She made several large deposits at the bank during that month.) depósito
    2) (an act of paying money as a guarantee that money which is or will be owed will be paid: We have put down a deposit on a house in the country.) depósito, sinal
    3) (the money put into a bank or paid as a guarantee in this way: We decided we could not afford to go on holiday and managed to get back the deposit which we had paid.) depósito, sinal
    4) (a quantity of solid matter that has settled at the bottom of a liquid, or is left behind by a liquid: The flood-water left a yellow deposit over everything.) depósito
    5) (a layer (of coal, iron etc) occurring naturally in rock: rich deposits of iron ore.) jazida

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > deposit

  • 9 court

    [ko:t] 1. noun
    1) (a place where legal cases are heard: a magistrates' court; the High Court.) tribunal
    2) (the judges and officials of a legal court: The accused is to appear before the court on Friday.) tribunal
    3) (a marked-out space for certain games: a tennis-court; a squash court.) campo
    4) (the officials, councillors etc of a king or queen: the court of King James.) corte
    5) (the palace of a king or queen: Hampton Court.) Palácio
    6) (an open space surrounded by houses or by the parts of one house.) praça
    2. verb
    1) (to try to win the love of; to woo.) cortejar
    2) (to try to gain (admiration etc).) buscar
    3) (to seem to be deliberately risking (disaster etc).) arriscar-se a
    - courtly
    - courtliness
    - courtship
    - courthouse
    - court-martial
    - courtyard
    * * *
    [kɔ:t] n 1 pátio. 2 viela. 3 área, quadra para jogos. 4 mansão senhorial. 5 corte, a família e as pessoas que rodeiam um soberano. she was presented at court / ela foi introduzida na corte. 6 paço, residência real. 7 reunião formal organizada por um soberano. 8 corte de justiça, tribunal. he brought the case into court / ele levou o caso perante um tribunal. 9 juízes de um tribunal. 10 galanteio, corte, namoro. he paid her his court / ele lhe fez a corte. 11 cortejo, homenagem. • vt+vi 1 cortejar, galantear, agradar. 2 namorar. 3 solicitar, procurar, requestar. 4 provocar, atrair. at court na corte. court of appeal tribunal de apelação. court of claims tribunal de ações contra o governo. court of domestic relations tribunal das famílias e sucessões. court of honor n tribunal militar que investiga questões relacionadas com a honra. court of inquiry tribunal militar. court of justice tribunal de justiça. court of law tribunal de justiça. court of record tribunal de registro público. General Court Amer assembléia legislativa. in court no tribunal, perante um tribunal. in open court em julgamento público. tennis court quadra de tênis. the High Court of Justice o supremo tribunal (da Inglaterra e Gales em Londres). the High Court of Parliament reunião plenária do parlamento. to bring into court processar, levar perante o juiz. to come to court ser julgado (processo). to go into court processar. to pay court to (a woman) fazer a corte, cortejar (uma mulher). to put into court levar perante um tribunal. to put out of court excluir do julgamento. to settle out of court resolver amigavelmente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > court

  • 10 backdate

    1) (to put an earlier date on (a cheque etc): He should have paid his bill last month and so he has backdated the cheque.) antedatar
    2) (to make payable from a date in the past: Our rise in pay was backdated to April.) ser retroactivo
    * * *
    [b'æk deit] vt antedatar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > backdate

  • 11 fine

    I 1. adjective
    1) ((usually of art etc) very good; of excellent quality: fine paintings; a fine performance.) belo
    2) ((of weather) bright; not raining: a fine day.) belo
    3) (well; healthy: I was ill yesterday but I am feeling fine today!) bem
    4) (thin or delicate: a fine material.) fino
    5) (careful; detailed: Fine workmanship is required for such delicate embroidery.) delicado
    6) (made of small pieces, grains etc: fine sand; fine rain.) fino
    7) (slight; delicate: a fine balance; a fine distinction.) delicado/preciso
    8) (perfectly satisfactory: There's nothing wrong with your work - it's fine.) bom
    2. adverb
    (satisfactorily: This arrangement suits me fine.) perfeitamente
    3. interjection
    (good; well done etc: You've finished already - fine!) certo/óptimo
    - finery
    - fine art
    II 1. noun
    (money which must be paid as a punishment: I had to pay a fine.) multa
    2. verb
    (to make (someone) pay a fine: She was fined $10.) multar
    * * *
    [fain] n 1 multa, pena, penalidade. 2 Mus fim. • vt multar.
    [fain] adj (compar finer, sup finest) 1 fino, de excelente qualidade, puro. 2 belo, lindo, excelente, bom, ótimo, agradável. 3 leve, delicado. 4 claro, refinado. 5 bom, bom de saúde. 6 distinto, eminente. 7 excelente, admirável, agradável, aprazível. 8 perfeito, acabado, alinhado, correto. 9 elegante, vistoso. • interj ótimo! excelente! a fine house uma bela casa. a fine lady uma senhora distinta. a fine scholar um grande cientista. not to put too fine a point on it coll falando francamente, sem rodeios. that is all very fine but isso tudo é muito bom, mas... to cut it fine calcular com exatidão, deixar pouca margem. to fine down refinar, tornar mais exato ou preciso.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > fine

  • 12 the

    [ðə, ði]
    (The form [ðə] is used before words beginning with a consonant eg the house or consonant sound eg the union [ðə'ju:njən]; the form [ði] is used before words beginning with a vowel eg the apple or vowel sound eg the honour [ði 'onə]) o/a
    1) (used to refer to a person, thing etc mentioned previously, described in a following phrase, or already known: Where is the book I put on the table?; Who was the man you were talking to?; My mug is the tall blue one; Switch the light off!)
    2) (used with a singular noun or an adjective to refer to all members of a group etc or to a general type of object, group of objects etc: The horse is running fast.; I spoke to him on the telephone; He plays the piano/violin very well.) o/a
    3) (used to refer to unique objects etc, especially in titles and names: the Duke of Edinburgh; the Atlantic (Ocean).)
    4) (used after a preposition with words referring to a unit of quantity, time etc: In this job we are paid by the hour.) o/a
    5) (used with superlative adjectives and adverbs to denote a person, thing etc which is or shows more of something than any other: He is the kindest man I know; We like him (the) best of all.) o/a
    6) ((often with all) used with comparative adjectives to show that a person, thing etc is better, worse etc: He has had a week's holiday and looks (all) the better for it.) muito
    - the...
    * * *
    [ðə, ði, enfaticamente ði:] art o, a, os, as. the day I spoke to him / o dia em que falei com ele. the place you mean / o lugar a que você se refere. all the men who escaped / todos os homens que escaparam. milk is the medicament for you / leite é (exatamente) o medicamento para você. the... the... tanto... quanto... I am the better pleased the oftener you write / fico tanto mais satisfeito, quanto mais você escreve. all the better tanto melhor. by the day por dia. (so much) the worse for you tanto pior para você. the good o bom, os bons. the more, the better quanto mais, quanto melhor. the sooner quanto mais cedo. the sooner the better quanto antes, melhor.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > the

  • 13 backdate

    1) (to put an earlier date on (a cheque etc): He should have paid his bill last month and so he has backdated the cheque.) antedatar
    2) (to make payable from a date in the past: Our rise in pay was backdated to April.) retroagir

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > backdate

  • 14 the

    [ðə, ði]
    (The form [ðə] is used before words beginning with a consonant eg the house or consonant sound eg the union [ðə'ju:njən]; the form [ði] is used before words beginning with a vowel eg the apple or vowel sound eg the honour [ði 'onə]) o, os
    1) (used to refer to a person, thing etc mentioned previously, described in a following phrase, or already known: Where is the book I put on the table?; Who was the man you were talking to?; My mug is the tall blue one; Switch the light off!)
    2) (used with a singular noun or an adjective to refer to all members of a group etc or to a general type of object, group of objects etc: The horse is running fast.; I spoke to him on the telephone; He plays the piano/violin very well.)
    3) (used to refer to unique objects etc, especially in titles and names: the Duke of Edinburgh; the Atlantic (Ocean).)
    4) (used after a preposition with words referring to a unit of quantity, time etc: In this job we are paid by the hour.)
    5) (used with superlative adjectives and adverbs to denote a person, thing etc which is or shows more of something than any other: He is the kindest man I know; We like him (the) best of all.)
    6) ((often with all) used with comparative adjectives to show that a person, thing etc is better, worse etc: He has had a week's holiday and looks (all) the better for it.)
    - the...

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > the

См. также в других словарях:

  • put paid to — put paid to, v. t. 1. To put an end to. Hence: To prove false; to discredit; as, Galileo s observations put paid to the notion that the Earth was the center of the universe. [PJC] 2. To defeat; to cause the defeat of. [PJC] The Argentine s… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • put paid to — (something) British & Australian to suddenly stop someone from being able to do what they want or hope to do. A serious back injury put paid to her tennis career …   New idioms dictionary

  • put paid to — ► put paid to informal stop abruptly; destroy. Main Entry: ↑paid …   English terms dictionary

  • put paid to — phrasal Britain : to finish off : wipe out a tempest had put paid to their efforts David Masters puts paid to whatever chances you had of coming first Roy Saunders * * * put paid to 1. To finish 2. To destroy chances of success in …   Useful english dictionary

  • put paid to — verb a) (bookkeeping) to mark a bill or a debt record as paid . The rain put paid to our plans for a picnic. b) to terminate; to cancel (plans or expectations); to stop something once and for all …   Wiktionary

  • Put paid to — This is an expression which means to put an end to something. For example you could say that rain put paid to the cricket match, meaning it stopped play …   The American's guide to speaking British

  • put paid to something — british phrase to bring something to an end A spinal operation put paid to her career as a ballet dancer. Thesaurus: to bring an end to somethingsynonym to kill a person or animalsynonym Main entry: paid * * * put ˈpaid to sth …   Useful english dictionary

  • put paid to something — put paid to (something) British & Australian to suddenly stop someone from being able to do what they want or hope to do. A serious back injury put paid to her tennis career …   New idioms dictionary

  • put paid to something — British to bring something to an end A spinal operation put paid to her career as a ballet dancer …   English dictionary

  • put paid to — Meaning To finish something off. Origin Accountants used to print Paid on bills when the paperwork for a sale was completed …   Meaning and origin of phrases

  • put paid to — informal stop abruptly; destroy. → paid …   English new terms dictionary

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